Dallas Road Community Primary School

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At Dallas Road Community Primary School, we recognise that regular attendance at school ensures that children get the best possible start in life. Good attendance supports learning, the development of social skills and friendships, as well as building good habits that are essential for adult life. Research clearly demonstrates the link between regular attendance and educational progress and attainment.

Support First

It is important that we, as your child’s school, work together in partnership with you, your family, your child, and the wider community.  If you are concerned about your child’s attendance, then please contact our Pupil Support Manager, Annabelle Long as soon as possible so that barriers to attendance can be understood, and appropriate support can be put in place to support you, your family, and your child to prevent further absences. Where voluntary support has not been effective and/or has not been engaged with, we will work with partners, including the local authority, to formalise and intensify the support.

Leave During Term Time

By law, maintained schools cannot authorise any leave in term time other than in exceptional circumstances. Taking a child out of school in term time will affect their education and progress as much as any other absence. Leave of absence in term time will not be granted unless:

  •  a request for leave has been made in advance by a parent with whom the pupil normally resides (using the form available on the school website or from the school office),
  • it is considered that leave of absence should be granted due to the exceptional circumstances relating to the request

Due to the need to evidence exceptional circumstances, parents are advised to provide school with any relevant information regarding their request at the point of application if they believe the circumstances are exceptional. In considering the request school will also consider other factors such as:

  • The timing of the requested leave, eg when a pupil is just starting at school or during assessment periods, such as SATs.
  • A pupil’s attendance record already includes unauthorised absence.
  • Attendance is already a concern, or could become a concern, as a result of taking leave.
  • Other periods of leave which the pupil may have had, either during the current or previous academic year.

Any period of leave taken without the agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised and may attract legal sanctions such as a penalty notice.

Nationally, Headteachers are:

  • not permitted to approve term-time holidays except in genuinely exceptional circumstances,
  • are to consider each application for a leave of absence individually before making a decision to authorise. 

Guidance states that all schools must consider issuing Penalty Notices if the criteria is met. This is a national statutory process and will be followed by all English state funded schools. The expectation is that Headteachers enforce these penalties as and when necessary.


As well as regular attendance at school, parents must ensure that their child arrives at school in good time each morning. If your child misses the start of the day they can miss learning and miss spending time with their class teacher getting vital information and news for the day. Late arriving pupils also disrupt the learning of others and it can be uncomfortable for the child and can in turn, encourage absence.

Our gates are open from 8:30am and our doors open at 8.40am. They close at 8:50am, when the school day starts and we expect your child to be in class by that time. Registers are marked by 8.55am and your child will receive a late mark if they are not in by that time. At 9.25am the registers will be closed. In accordance with the Regulations, if your child arrives after 9.25am (without an authorised reason) they will receive a mark that shows them to be on site, but this will not count as a present mark and it will mean they have accrued an unauthorised absence. This may mean that you could face the possibility of a Penalty Notice if the problem persists and the 10 session threshold is reached. If your child has a persistent late record, you will be asked to meet with us in school in an attempt to resolve the , but you can approach us at any time if you are having problems getting your child to school on time.  

Term Dates 2024-25

Leave of Absence Request