Dallas Road Community Primary School

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British Values

At Dallas Road we have carefully considered our core values and the values of our society that are fundamental to a growing and vibrant country and economy. We have considered how our curriculum and other opportunities can be planned to ensure our children develop into responsible citizens. This is how we fulfil our responsibilities to promote 'British Values'.


•Each year the children in each class decide upon class rules and responsibilities to follow throughout school.

• School council members are elected by the children in all classes. The council meet regularly with the Headteacher to discuss any proposals or agendas.

•We have a variety of pupil committees - many of which are elected. 

• The children are very aware of others who may not have as much as us and therefore we encourage children to come up with worthwhile charities that we can support. The children sometimes decide upon their own charity and plan events to raise money for that chosen charity.

• We develop speaking and listening skills across the curriculum and provide opportunities for debate across a range of subjects. 


• The importance of laws (whether they are those that govern the class, the school, or the country) are consistently reinforced at Dallas Road. Pupils are taught from an early age the expectations of the school.

• Children in each class are given a variety of responsibilities and are encouraged to take care of their environment and to be independent. These responsibilities are chosen by the children at the start of the year.

• Through our PSCHE lessons, we explore the concept of rules at home, at school, and in the wider community. We provide opportunities for pupils to develop an understanding of the value and reason behind the rules, and how they can protect rights and freedoms. Our pupils will learn to name groups of people who make rules and how rules are enforced.

• Our behaviour policy and anti-bullying policy provides our pupils with clear expectations of behaviour in school. Our pupils learn to understand and exercise the notion of fairness.

• We have developed a positive learning environment where pupils are encouraged to reflect on their own behaviour and learning.

• Our PSCHE curriculum is enhanced by visits to school from the police, legal professionals and others. Our pupils learn that to break the rules should be an accidental and not deliberate act and to appreciate that actions have consequences and that they are accountable for their actions.


• At Dallas Road, pupils are encouraged to make choices and take risks, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.

• In Reception and Year 1, children are encouraged to be independent through the continuous provision areas. They learn through a play-based curriculum and the child’s interests are at the heart of the curriculum.

• Through the PSHCE curriculum children are educated about making informed choices, lifestyles and about their rights and responsibilities. Regular circle time gives children a chance to discuss issues as they arise and to reinforce the values of the school.

• All children are able to make their own choice from the hot school dinners options. They collect their own dinner and tidy away for themselves.

• Across the curriculum, we provide opportunities to learn about rights, responsibilities and personal freedoms.

• We carefully plan and embed activities to improve pupils’ high order thinking skills as well as abilities such as confidence, teamwork, and leadership.

• We provide pupils with opportunities to develop leadership skills. For example:  Play leader training, Eco-Committee, Wellbeing Committee, Arts Committee and through our School Council.

• Through our English, Geography and History curriculum, our pupils learn about the struggles for freedom and discrimination and communities in Britain and elsewhere.

• We conduct discussions about the rights we feel each child should have and pupils learn that all people are equal.

• Pupils learn that we can all contribute to discussion and are encouraged to express an opinion clearly and effectively.


• Respect is a core value in our school that is visible in everything we do.

• Mutual respect is at the heart of Dallas Road School. Our pupils learn respect for each other through the PSHE curriculum and the daily ethos of the school. 

•In class, all children have talking partners and they all take part in peer reviews of each other’s work. Children, when capable, identify what they have done well and then their next steps to improve.

•Throughout the year we celebrate a range of values , agreed by the school community that help to develop respect for one another and develop the ethos of the school. These are introduced through whole school assemblies and PSHE sessions. They are displayed in each classroom and in the main halls in the school.

• We tackle all types of bullying, including cyber-bullying and prejudice–based bullying related to special educational needs, disability, gender, gender reassignment, race, religion and belief, sexual orientation.

• We use a range of resources and approaches to learn about different faiths and beliefs. This includes a planned programme of visits to different places of worship, as well as visits to schools by representatives of different faith communities.

• We engage with the Lancashire Syllabus for RE. The syllabus outlines the contribution that RE makes to the whole school curriculum, including pupils' SMSC development.

• Our pupils learn to respect the opinions and beliefs of others through RE. For example, when studying Judaism, our pupils will learn to identify artefacts worn by Jews during worship and explain why these are important.

• Across the curriculum and through community engagement, our pupils develop a strong sense of community and togetherness. There are supported addressing a range of community issues and contribute to solving them.