Dallas Road Community Primary School

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English as an Additional Language (EAL)

Our pupils need to feel valued and safe in order to learn. For pupils who are learning English as an additional language, this includes recognising and valuing their home language and culture. As a school, we are aware that speaking multiple languages is a strength and that EAL pupils have a valuable contribution to make. We take a whole school approach, including ethos, curriculum, education against racism and promoting language awareness.

At Dallas Road we have over 30 different languages spoken by the children and families at our school.

There is a collective responsibility, held by all staff, to identify and remove barriers that stand in the way of the learning and success of EAL learners and to support their language development. 

Teachers plan to ensure that our EAL learners have access to appropriate support and resources, in order to achieve their potential. Children with English as an Additional Language typically achieve highly at Dallas Road often making exceptional progress relative to national averages.

Our English as an Additional Language leads are:

Mrs K Gates

Mrs J Windett-Smith

Please contact either of our leads if you wish to discuss matters relating to teaching and learning of children who speak English as an additional language:



We have two EAL specialist support assistants who work closely with children and teaching staff: Mrs S Ramachandran and Mrs S Naviya.

English as an Additional Language Policy