Dallas Road Community Primary School

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The first steps in your children’s learning journey at primary school are absolutely critical and at Dallas Road we recognise this and ensure that the transition into our Reception classes is carefully planned, to enable the children to gradually become full-time members of our school family.

Our dedicated and highly-skilled team understand that happy children thrive and ensuring that they have a range of fun-filled learning experiences to help them develop essential life skills is at the heart of the curriculum that is planned for them.

Positive relationships across the unit are quickly established and the children’s interests are celebrated and woven into the curriculum. We are committed to recognising how unique and special each member of our diverse school family is and learning about each other and what is important to each individual is something that we take great pride in.

We have a two-form Reception Unit (Bees and Foxes) with a maximum of 30 children in each class. Each classroom has a teacher and teaching assistant to support the children in their learning.

The children’s learning across the 17 strands of the Reception Early Learning Goals takes place within each classroom and our dedicated outdoor space which has recently been refurbished and resourced to enhance the children’s adventures.

They are encouraged to spend their adventure time in our ‘Squish Factory’, ‘Water World’, ‘Story Kingdom’, ‘Imagination Station’, ‘Small School’, ‘Book Nook’ and the outdoors, exploring, inventing and having fun.

The children’s progress towards the Early Learning Goals is monitored throughout the year and parents are invited to two parents/carers evenings (Autumn term and Spring term) and are also provided with a written report in the Summer term.

We have an open-door policy and see parents/carers twice daily at drop off and pick up times and if there are any questions/queries we are very happy to answer them.

We look forward to seeing you in school.



  • Bees - Mr. P. Brown, Miss D. Blezard
  • Foxes - Mrs. H.Yates, Mrs. S. Hardwick, Miss S. Hinchliffe, Mrs. L. Atkinson


Life in Bees and Foxes




2024-25 Reception Curriculum Overview